Butterfly Valves

As a basic construction of the butterfly valve, open and close are made by stopping the disk-shaped disc with the stem and rotating it by 90 degrees on a simple-like body like a pipe-cut.
JIS terms: butterfly valve

  • 1)This valve rotates disc 90 degrees around the stem (stem) in the body.
  • 2)Smallest in face to face dimensions, compact, lightweight, and easy to install and remove.
  • 3)It can be used for either “control action” in which the flow rate is adjusted at the intermediate position, or “on-off action” in which it is used for opening or closing.

Characteristics due to structural differences in valve

Item Gate Valves Globe Valves Ball Valves Butterfly Valves
Disc at valves fully open Remain in the flow path Remain in the flow path Remain in the flow path Remain in the flow path
Operation of disc Vertical actuation Vertical actuation Rotary actuation Rotary actuation
Common seat Materials Metal Metal Software Software
Automatic operation Pneumatic and electric actuator Pneumatic and electric actuator Pneumatic and electric actuator Pneumatic and electric actuator
Use of intermediate opening Not suitable Be suitable Not suitable Be suitable

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